The ranking system of Mirroweld is entirely based on the merit of one’s skills and knowledge. If there is an area of interest to a phae, they should pursue that area whole-heartedly and as their skill grows, so can their rank! Wisdom and knowledge are cherished above all else in Mirroweld, so ranks that favor these traits will be seen as more desirable.
General Ranks
Initiates tend to consist of the youngest members of the herd yet to pass their trials and phae born outside the shattered islands who wish to join the herd. These members are usually expected to shadow different divisions and attend initiation days within different ranks to figure out what they are most suited to. This usually involves spending four days shadowing one individual within each type of specialization. Initiates officially join the herd and may claim a rank after they complete their Passage of Transcendence.
2 to 7 years of age for native-born phae. (Years 6 & 7 are spent on the Passage of Transcendence)
An outsider may remain an initiate for up to 4 years.
No stat requirements.
Herd Member
Herd members are either too old or too unfit to fill a specific role within the herd. Typically everyone is expected to do their bit around the herd but if they are retired or disabled not all too much is asked of these phae. Typically they will watch over the young or keep the temples tidy. If they are capable of working they tend to fill their days lending an extra hand to different divisions.
Completion of the Passage of Transcendence and Vow of Knowledge.
No stat requirements.
The sentries of the herd are the main protectors of the herd members. They are extremely skilled in combat tactics (using strategy and focus) and are usually at peak physical fitness. They spend a lot of their time aligning their body and mind to use both efficiently in combat and remain calm in the face of chaos. Sentries are expected to temper their emotions to maintain peak concentration and keep oversight over the best course of action in sudden situations. The base sentry rank can be used for a phae that does not yet have a specialization or for those who prefer to remain a jack-of-all-trades.
8+ years of age
Medium level in at least one physical stat.
Sentry Sub-ranks:
Strikers are sentries who have chosen to specialize in offensive magic.
10+ years of age.
Advanced level in magic stat.
Offensive type magic (such as elemental magic or magic that can be used for attack)
Sentinels are sentries who have chosen to specialize in defensive magic.
10+ years of age.
Advanced level in magic stat.
Defensive type magic (such as mind magic or magic that can be used for attack)
Enforcers are sentries who have chosen to specialize in physical prowess.
10+ years of age.
Advanced level in at least one physical stat.
Justiciar are sentries who have chosen to specialize in the reform of convicted criminals from within Mirroweld or from other herds. They
10+ years of age.
Advanced level in at least one physical stat.
Advanced level in magic stat (Empathy or Illusion magic).
Scholar is the overarching term for herd members focused on intellectual talents and dedicating their life to study. This can include many forms of study and a lot of scholars tend to focus on multiple areas in their lifetime whilst focusing on one area of expertise to specialize in completely. The base scholar rank can be used for a phae that does not yet have a specialization or for those who prefer to remain a jack-of-all-trades.
8+ years of age.
Completion of the Passage of Transcendence and Vow of Knowledge.
No stat requirements.
Scholar Sub-ranks:
Herbalists are scholars known to dedicate their studies to the uses of herbs and other natural tools that can influence health and well-being.
10+ years of age.
Advanced level in herbology stat.
Archivists are scholars who specialize in keeping knowledge current on one specific topic and are often regarded as the foremost experts in their chosen field. They are often consulted inside and outside the herd for their wisdom. Areas of focus may include: herd history, family lines, flora, fauna, pantheon lore, natural phenomena, travel routes, types of government, etc. These areas are not limited to Mirroweld alone, and some archivists focus their study on other herds.
Archivists are aware of the existence of Inquisitors and work regularly with them and the knowledge they bring back.
15+ years of age.
Master level in at least one mental stat.
Inquisitors are scholars who roam the world to gain information and intellect from other areas of the archipelagoes in order to further the knowledge and preparedness of Mirroweld. This rank is a well kept secret in Mirroweld and only a few other ranks are aware of the inquisitor’s existence, as they deal with espionage. See rank descriptions for those who are aware of inquisitors.
Inquisitors often pretend to be Emissaries when they visit other herds or towards Phae in Mirroweld not authorised to know about their existence.
15+ years of age.
Master level in Illusion or Empathy magic.
Advanced level in one physical stat.
High Sage
High Sages are some of the most revered scholars in Mirroweld, and perhaps even the whole of the archipelagos. High Sages are housed in either the Halls of Illumination or the Temple of Odes and are charged with safeguarding the sacred information held within them. All requests for restricted information must be approved by a High Sage.
High Sages are aware of the existence of Inquisitors and work regularly with them, often assigning them specific types of information to research and bring back to the herd.
20+ years of age.
Legendary level in one mental stat.
Phae who choose to live among other herds, but still claim loyalty to Mirroweld. They will often report back on the political goings on of the other herds to their Arch Magister or one of the Grand Masters. Inquisitors often pretend to be Emissaries when they visit other herds or towards Phae in Mirroweld not authorised to know about their existence.
Age 10+
Advanced level in two physical or mental stats
Mages are the magically talented of the herd who focus mainly on honing their particular combination of magic and how they combine and contrast in everyday life or in combat. It is up to them to find ways to best make use of their magic and talents and find ways to improve or better understand. The base mage rank can be used for a phae that does not yet have a specialization or for those who prefer to remain a jack-of-all-trades.
8+ years of age.
Completion of the Passage of Transcendence and Vow of Knowledge.
Medium level in magic stat.
Mage Sub-ranks:
Mages specializing in elemental magic.
10+ years of age
Advanced level in magic stat.
Elemental type magic.
Mages specializing in healing magic.
10+ years of age
Advanced level in magic stat.
Healing type magic.
Mages specializing in mental magic.
10+ years of age
Advanced level in magic stat.
Illusion, empathy, or black magic type magic.
Artisans are the creators of the herd. They often aid in building, crafting, creating, brewing, and artistry. The base artisan rank can be used for a phae that does not yet have a specialization or for those who prefer to remain a jack-of-all-trades.
8+ years of age.
Completion of the Passage of Transcendence and Vow of Knowledge.
No stat requirement.
Artisan Sub-ranks:
Performers are the entertainers of the herd who are excellent at singing, dancing, or storytelling. They may be talented in multiple areas.
8+ years of age
No stat requirement.
Crafters are artisans who create accessories and tools meant for decoration, utility, and, most importantly, trade with other herds.
15+ years of age.
Master level in crafting stat.
Alchemists are artisans who specialize in the creation of mixtures, tinctures, brews and other liquid mixtures. They are especially well known for their alcoholic brews and are invaluable to the trade system.
15+ years of age
Advanced level in crafting stat.
Advanced level in herbology stat.
Tailors are artisans who specialize in the creation of textiles. These may be made custom or made for sale and trade to other herds.
8+ years of age.
Advanced level in crafting stat.
Traders are artisans who work closely with artisans to sell or exchange their wares for something of equal value. Traders are often well connected and may spend their time traveling between herds to sell the wares of Mirroweld.
10+ years of age.
Advanced level in at least one physical stat.
Special Positions
Arch Magister
The Arch Magister is a figurehead leader who is more a diplomatic spokesperson than a ruler. Most often, phae are chosen to be Arch Magister if they are charismatic and charming, as these are necessary skills for a diplomatic-centric position. Their primary responsibilities lie within managing relationships with other herds, overseeing the wellbeing of Mirroweld, tracking the whereabouts of the Inquisitors, and weighing in on discussions between the Grand Masters as needed. Most often, the Arch Magister acts as a tiebreaker if the Grand Masters are 2-2 in any vote. They may also participate in trials and cast their vote for convictions and punishment alongside the Grand Masters.
Arch Magisters must be elected from the ranks of the Grand Masters, but they may have any position in the herd before becoming a Grand Master. Mirroweld believes that a great leader can come from anywhere, so long as they are properly experienced.
The Arch Magister is aware of the existence of the Inquisitors and is tasked with tracking their locations and progress.
15+ years of age.
Must be elected from among the Grand Masters.
One master level stat and two advanced level stats (one must be magic).
Current Arch Magister
NPC Enon
Grand Master
The Grand Masters are a group of four spiritual leaders whose main task is to go over important decisions that may impact the whole of Mirroweld. They are the primary seat of decision making power, though the Arch Magister will also vote in matters of law and trials of herd members. Most of their time is spent ensuring the herd is running smoothly, and may be called in to act as diplomats and visit other herds if necessary. The Arch Magister and Grand Masters together are often referred to as “the Council”.
Grand Masters may come from any background within the herd. Mirroweld believes that a great leader can come from anywhere, so long as they are properly experienced.
The Grand Masters are aware of the existence of the Inquisitors and assist the Arch Magister with tracking their locations and progress.
15+ years of age.
One master level stat and two advanced level stats (one must be magic).
Current Grand Masters
NPC Donai
NPC Tarvair
NPC Zanteu
NPC Vatil
How to Apply for or Challenge a Special Position
In the event that a special position holder becomes inactive, are deemed unsuitable for leadership, die, or come to the end of their term(s), their position is open to be challenged!
In Mirroweld, the Arch Magister and Grand Master positions may be challenged at any time if the herd believes they are not performing their duties adequately. In these circumstances, a challenger must come forward and claim that they will be better in the position and a vote of no confidence will be held to remove a current special position holder. If the challenger wins the challenge, they will become the new Arch Magister or Grand Master. Note that all position requirements must be met for a challenger to initiate a special positions challenge.
See the Special Positions webpage to view current leaders’ activity levels, to find out if any special positions are open, and to read on the process of initiating a special positions challenge.