Political System
The political system of the Lowlands is entirely democratic, with all leaders being elected from among the different ranks and concentrations of the herd. The power of the herd is held in the hooves of each of its members.
How to Become a Ruler
The Tigerna of the Lowlands is chosen for her charity, compassion, and level-headed pursuit of the betterment of the whole herd. The same can very much be said for all other members of the Round Table. It is the value of a phae’s character that makes them eligible for leadership in the Lowlands.
Elections for herd leaders are held every three years. Currently, the Tigerna does not have a term-limit and as long as she continues to be re-elected, she may hold her position for as long as the herd views her as worthy.
Members of the Round Table (Apothecary, Grand Cordon, and Ollamh) are also elected every three years, but may only be elected twice. This can be consecutively or with gaps between terms. The maximum time of service is six years.
To read more on the requirements for these ranks, check out the Ranks & Leadership page.
Herd Laws
- The betterment of the herd should come first. The Lowlanders are family, and family should do everything in their power to support one another.
- Religious beliefs are individual, and should thus be kept individual.
- Fawns are the future of the herd, and they should be kept safe before all other herd members.
- It is a great honor to bear and raise a fawn. All parties involved in a fawn’s conception and birth are expected to raise them to adulthood.
Punishment System
While much of the Lowlander’s crimes and punishments are similar to Stonemire’s, they do tend to take a milder approach on some topics, or completely disregard others. For example, they will not punish a phae for blasphemy, but do expect herd members to keep their faith to themselves if they have one.
Minor Crimes & Associated Punishment
- Causing minor physical injury to another herd member
- Two seasons of hard labor fixing up the Cairn
- Not gaining the approval of a partner’s parents before becoming mated
- Hardcore disapproval from the rest of the herd
- Neglecting the raising of a fawn
- Two seasons of hard labor fixing up the Cairn
- Pushing religious belief upon another member of the herd
- Hardcore disapproval from the rest of the herd
Major Crimes & Associated Punishment
- Abandonment of a fawn or purposefully placing a fawn in harm’s way
- Exile off of the Lowlander’s territory
- Adultery
- Four seasons of hard labor fixing up the Cairn
- Causing major physical injury to another herd member, murdur, or other severe physical crimes
- Exile off of the Lowlander’s territory
- Execution
- Espionage or treason against the herd
- Execution
Means of Conviction
Phae accused of a crime will be subject to a public trial before the herd and the herd leaders. During trials, members of the herd may present evidence of guilt or innocence. It is the job of the entire herd to weigh the evidence, determine guilt or innocence, and cast their vote for guilt or innocence. If a phae is determined to be guilty, another vote will be held to determine their punishment if there are multiple punishment types for the convicted phae’s crime. After trial is complete and the sentence has been given, the convicted will be given into the care of the military to ensure their punishment is carried out.
Means of Imprisonment
Those who are punished to work on the Cairn for any number of seasons are watched over by the Lairds as well as the ranked Builders or Architects. Otherwise, the Lowlanders believe strongly in personal accountability, and since their herd is young they haven’t had to deal with much internal crime.
Now, they do have to deal with many exiled phae from Stonemire, and these they try to capture and learn what they were convicted of and retry them under their conviction system. Naturally, a phae who was banished for blasphemy will be accepted with open hearts, but a phae who committed murder would be expected to face trial or would immediately be chased away from the lands claimed by the Lowlanders.